Improve facilities for your patients, staff, clinics and wards

Discussion at The Friends of Kirkcaldy Hospitals meeting

We are here to fill the gap

Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy
Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy
Whytemans Brae Hospital

The Friends support Victoria Hospital and Whytemans Brae Hospital by providing funds for facilities, equipment, staff training and patient comfort.

Since 1969 we have made financial support available to both hospitals in numerous projects, ranging from toys for the Children’s Ward to finance for the Stroke Unit.  

We can help with all kinds of projects! If you have ideas that require full or partial funding, don’t hesitate to …

Poster for a Friends of Kirkcaldy Hospitals' Fundraiser
A Friends’ Fundraiser

Fundraising is an important, ongoing activity for The Friends and the effectiveness of our work depends on the continual generosity of the people of Kirkcaldy and of Fife.

Our previous Friends’ fundraising programmes have included concerts, films, dinners, fetes, raffles, etc. New fund-raising ideas are always welcome so please contact us with your suggestions for fundraising events!

If you would like to make a donation or a bequest we would be very pleased to hear from you!